Macpi on the specialized magazine Detergo

We are happy to share the article that Detergo, a specialized magazine for industrial laundry and dry cleaning, dedicated to Macpi in November 2020.

Detergo – November 2020: Macpi technologies at the service of industrial laundries

Detergo’s article explores two Macpi technologies highly appreciated by our customers.

First of all, the 291 shirt ironing machine, recently arrived in Italy after the great European success. Organized in four work stations (loading – steaming – blowing – automatic unloading), this machine returns perfectly finished garments without creases, considerably simplifying the work of the employees.

From the point of view of saving consumption and optimizing processes, the 291 shirt ironing machine allows you to recover hot air and reuse it for blowing. It also offers simplified cleaning of the air filter, essential for maintaining high performance and excellent performance in terms of energy efficiency.

Following this, Detergo focuses on the pluses of Macpi’s 534 finishing tunnel with its innovative ventilation chamber with radial system and proportional air flow that reduces the risk of garments falling from the hanger during drying. Another big plus is the steaming chamber divided into three independent zones, which can be activated individually according to the type of garments to be treated. A solution that considerably reduces consumption and at the same time protects clothing, even the most delicate.


Read the complete article by Detergo..

Macpi, 60 years of success in the name of family continuity

Giovanni Cartabbia, one of the founders of Macpi, passed away  on 23 September 2020. A brilliant person, with a far-sighted mind and always looking towards the future, in search of innovative results to be pursued with will and tenacity.

It’s important moral and management heritage continues to live on in the commitment of the descendants. First of all, the sons Paolo and Elena, respectively CEO and CFO of Macpi, who every day face this great responsibility with enthusiasm.

But a new generation is coming forward. The four grandchildren Edoardo, Beatrice, Enrico and Eleonora have been operating in the company for some years. Young people ready to carry on with honor the reality started by their grandfather, making his mission their own and at the same time giving their personal contribution to the growth of the brand with a young spirit and sincere motivation.

In 2021 Macpi will blow out its first 60 candles. We are preparing to celebrate this goal increasingly united in a strong family bond, thanking Giovanni again for all he has been able to teach us.

Thanks, Giovanni!

Read the article

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